Voice Care
Care of the Professional Voice is an evolving and growing field. Explore the links below to connect with the work of voice professionals across the globe.
The University of Iowa "Voice Academy" is an online, virtual education platform targeted at helping school teachers with their vocal health.
The National Association of Teachers of Singing offers many resources for those interested in learning about vocal health. "NATS Chat" has hosted a number of professional panels discussing vocal health topics, such as vocal fatigue, singing voice specialist, and the aging voice.
Dr. Wendy LeBorgne, co-author of "The Vocal Athlete" is a voice pathologist, speaker, author, and master class clinician. With over 20 years of experience, Dr. LeBorgne offers services for vocal athletes and voice professionals.
Marci Rosenberg, co-author of "The Vocal Athlete" is a clinical voice pathologist and is also trained in myofascial/manual therapeutic interventions for voice.
Singershealth.com is a resource created by Dr. Karen Wicklund, the director of the Florida Center for Professional Voice. In addition to the vocal health information housed on the site, Dr. Wicklund has some vocal health videos and interviews available.